Thanks for your interest in the Furthur Foundation. Our executive director and our board of directors meet once a year, usually in the fall, to consider and select worthy causes. There is no deadline for applications.
Nearly all of our grants are between $1,000 and $5,000. This is not much money, and we therefore do not ask for much work from you.
FYI, We tend to support smaller, grassroots and community-based organizations whose orientation is to apply the money directly toward realizing their goals.
These range from providing food and shelter to planting trees, from children’s summer recreation programs to activist training camps, from educating about endangered plants to preserving the culture of endangered peoples.
What we do not fund:
Email us with a one-paragraph query note to see if your project is appropriate for the foundation. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
If we respond positively, we will send another email with a request for certain details about the work.
If the proposal is accepted for consideration, we will fold it into a docket that is considered at our annual meeting
We send out the checks after the annual meeting.
Generally we meet once in October or November each year, and we send out checks by year-end.
Please keep in mind that we are all volunteers, so we are not able to respond to every query. Our goal is zero overhead and minimal fuss. We want to move all the money we have, quickly and efficiently, to our grantees.