“Amazon Frontlines builds power with indigenous communities to protect their lands and way of life in the Amazon Rainforest, and in doing so, protect our global climate. By combining cutting-edge technology with bottom-up organizing, we help indigenous nations GET CONTROL OF THEIR LANDS — securing land titles for millions of acres of forest and halting illegal activities through real-time forest monitoring. Then we help indigenous nations KEEP CONTROL OF THEIR LANDS by ensuring they can exercise their collective rights to decide the future of their territories.

We do this by upending bad laws and closing legal loopholes, pushing for good laws through legal precedent and hard-hitting advocacy, and training indigenous activists and lawyers to lead it all. All this while working with indigenous youth to build strategic alliances and incubate next-generation initiatives, such as solar energy and regenerative economies, that challenge the existing paradigm of extraction at all costs and create a future where indigenous peoples can THRIVE ON THEIR LANDS. ”