Say hello to our 2015 grantees. We are amazed at all the great work going on in the world.
We particularly loved these folks. Click through to learn more about them. And, by all means, throw your support to the ones you like.
Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA or Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense)
California Wolf Center
Camp Winnarainbow
Cheza Nami Foundation
Circle of Hearts Foundation
Coaching for Change
Color Outside the Lines
Conservation Imaging, Inc. Guatemala Land Conservation Project
Food Shift
Generative Somatics
Girl Ventures
Grateful Dead Archive
Hidden Genius Project
New Harvest
Pegasus Voyages
Project Equity
Social Transformation Project
Survival International
Refugee Transitions
“The Box” — A Play About Solitary Confinement. World Premiere (Z Space, 7/7/16)
The Universal Income Project
Yes Lab
Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA or Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense)
Environmental law for the Americas
Founded in 1998, the Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA) uses the law to protect the environment and communities suffering from environmental harm throughout Latin America. The 35 countries of our hemisphere are united under a common environmental flag – AIDA develops international strategies to address the environmental and human rights challenges of the 21st century.
California Wolf Center
The California Wolf Center is dedicated to the recovery of wolves in the wildlands they once roamed.
We envision a landscape where wolves thrive in healthy ecosystems and wolves and people successfully coexist.
Camp Winnarainbow
Camp Winnarainbow is a Circus and Performing Arts summer camp in beautiful Northern California for children ages 7-14. We also have an Adult Camp for those who missed out on the Camp experience as a child!
Cheza Nami
Cheza Nami’s mission is to preserve and share the uniqueness of African culture through education in the form of interactive and virtual programming such as dance, music, art, play, language and product to youth and adults in U.S.A, as well as through partnerships between youth in Africa and youth in U.S.A.
Circle of Hearts
The Circle of Hearts Foundation provides financial support and compassionate care for individuals suffering from life threatening or incapacitating illness that have limited resources and diminished ability to care for themselves.
Coaching for Change
Coaching4Change blends coach education, literacy, and leadership to empower and employ teenagers. Our Vision is that Every child graduates from high school ready and able to build a successful life for themselves.
Color Outside the Lines
Color Outside the Lines believes that all children should have the opportunity to grow creatively, no matter of their background. Many studies have proven that having a creative outlet not only allows children to heal and grow from turbulent pasts, but also aids in mental, emotional and physical well being. There are over 1,200 foster children in the Portland metro area. We are focused on bringing those children the creative opportunities that may help them to grow, learn and thrive.
Conservation Imaging
Conservation Imaging is the only nonprofit working to save the largest expanse of unprotected tropical cloud forest in Northern Central America. Located in central Guatemala, Cerro Amay is an ethereal paradise of virgin forest.
Food Shift
Food Shift works collaboratively with communities, businesses and governments to develop long-term sustainable solutions to reduce food waste.
Generative Somatics
The mission of Generative Somatics is to grow a transformative social and environmental justice movement — one that integrates personal and social transformation, creates compelling alternatives to the status quo and embodies the creativity and life affirming actions we need to forward systemic change.
We envision a movement guided by cultivated wisdom, love and rigor.
Girl Ventures
GirlVentures’ mission is to empower adolescent girls to develop and express their strengths.
Grateful Dead Archive
The Grateful Dead Archive documents the career and work of the band and fans and their role in American history and culture.
Hidden Genius Project
The Hidden Genius Project trains and mentors black male youth in technology creation, entrepreneurship, and leadership skills to transform their lives and communities.
New Harvest
New Harvest strategically funds and conducts open, public, collaborative research that reinvents the way we make animal products – without animals.
PeaceTones’ mission is to build global justice and equality through local culture, one musician at a time.
A world where music takes an active role in reducing political, social and ethnic conflict.
PeaceTones recognizes that musicians play a powerful role in local community building, which in turn contributes to global peacemaking. We enable musicians to develop and disseminate their art by bringing crucial legal, technology, and business skills to historically unheard musicians, empowering them as leaders and shapers of positive social change.
Pegasus Voyages
Pegasus is a classic yacht that takes adults and children onto San Francisco Bay. There they discover sailing and the marine wilderness that begins at the dock and extends out the Golden Gate all the way to the Pacific Ocean. The Pegasus Project has taken thousands of kids onto the Bay for marine environment education.
Project Equity
Project Equity fosters economic resiliency in low-income communities by demonstrating and replicating strategies that increase worker ownership.
Social Transformation Project
The Social Transformation Project (STP) supports and strategizes with progressive leaders and organizations to increase the power and impact of social change movements. STP’s unique network of cross-movement leaders, organizations, intermediaries, and consultants is building a more just and sustainable world, and leading by example.
Survival International
Survival International is the only organization that champions tribal peoples around the world. We help them defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures.
Refugee Transitions
Refugee Transitions: Creating education, family engagement, and community leadership opportunities for the San Francisco Bay Area’s refugee, immigrant, and asylee newcomer communities since 1982.
The Box
“The Box” — A Play About Solitary Confinement
In 2009, journalist and playwright Sarah Shourd was living in the Middle East when she went on a hike with her fiancée and a friend. Little did she know it, but her life would never be the same. While pursuing what they were told were fantastic views over a nearby ridge, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by Iranian soldiers. After being accused of spying for the U.S., she would spend the next 410 days in solitary confinement as a political prisoner.
The Box is Shourd’s new play ignited by that experience. Based on a deeply researched journalistic investigation, it is a piece of transformational theater that asks us to re-examine long-held notions of punishment as it reveals the tragic—and sometimes painfully comic and absurd—realities that dictate life “inside the box.” With a plot that illuminates the innate resilience of the human spirit, The Box tracks its characters as they make their journeys against all odds: from racist to revolutionary, from tough-guy to suicide victim, from guru/teacher to frightened, lost soul, and from father to friend.
The Universal Income Project
The Universal Income Project is devoted to the expansion of economic security and human dignity through the implementation of a universal basic income in America. We build networks and use creative tools to educate, popularize, and organize around this radically common-sense idea.
Yes Lab
The Yes Lab is devoted to helping progressive organizations and activists carry out media-getting creative actions around well-considered goals.