What We Do
For more than 30 years, the Furthur Foundation has been giving money to progressive groups working on environmental and social change issues in the Bay Area and around the world. We focus on smart-thinking groups that are small and close to their target—groups that know their business, share our politics, and spend the money carefully, without a lot of bells and whistles, overhead, and wasted effort.

Who we are
Board of Directors:
Bobby Weir
Carolyn Garcia
Andre Carothers
Gregory Miller
Chris Desser
Board Members Emeritus:
Ram Dass
Barbara Whitestone
Ray Palmarini
Our working capital is a series of donations from Bobby Weir, given more than two decades ago, and donations from good and like-minded people that stream in throughout the year.
The foundation is managed and directed by Andre Carothers in Berkeley. The financial and accounting side of the foundation is overseen by a team of generous and talented people.
Over the decades we’ve been proud to support worthy organizations working on environmental and social justice issues, child enrichment and development, music education, and support for artists, among many worthy causes. Organizations like Headcount, Camp Winnarainbow, the Grateful Dead Archive, the Snow Leopard Conservancy…the list goes on and on.
Want to pitch in? Donations are gratefully accepted! Checks can be mailed to:
Furthur Foundation
1710 Rose Street
Berkeley, CA 94703
Transaction fee-free donations can be made via the “Donate” button on our Facebook page.
You can help substantially by making a gift of appreciated stock. Learn how here…

Okay, 2022. All done?
It was quite the year. A war in Europe, Roe overturned, the country’s gun mania on full display, and more extreme weather events. And that’s just what makes headlines.
Farther down the page, we noticed the remarkable protests, led by young women, in Iran. The fierce pushback at the ballot box against invading women’s privacy and election and climate denialism. And the faster-than-we-thought adoption of renewable energy.
So, pick your trend line. At Furthur, we focus on up-and-to-the-right. One we like is the off-on switch for Bobby’s January trip to Mexico with Dead and CO. Last year it was off; this year it was very much on.
Grantee Spotlight

Point Reyes Children’s Choir (Young Musicians of West Marin
Point Reyes Children’s Choir is one of the two branches of Young Musicians of West Marin, created in August 2018 when Sound Orchard discontinued financial